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Transportation Policy Board

October 28, 2019

Full Package | Meeting Audio

  1. Roll Call
  2. Director's Report (pdf)
    1. MPO Chair Kevin Wolff to receive AMPO Award
    2. The November and December Transportation Policy Board meetings are combined into one meeting that will be held on Monday, December 9, 2019
    3. A calendar of 2020 and 2021 Transportation Policy Board meetings is provided
    4. A joint Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee and Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee evening meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30, 2019, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at VIA Metropolitan Transit at 800 W. Myrtle, San Antonio, TX 78212
    5. Proposed upcoming December meeting items include 1) presentation of FY 2021 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) project scoring and prioritization process, 2) contract award for Subtask 4.2 Mobility 2050 Demographics and Travel Demand Model Update, 3) update on High Speed Transportation Study, 4) update on the New Braunfels Transit Study, 5) TxDOT Vision Zero funding submittals, 6) MPO public meeting results and 7) AACOG and CoSA air quality presentations
  1. Citizens to be Heard
Consent Agenda:
  1. Approval of the September 23, 2019 Meeting Minutes (pdf)
  2. Action on Roadway and Transit Amendments to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the FY 2019-2022 Transportation Improviement Program

Items for Individual Discussion and Appropriate Action:
  1. Update to revisions on MPO Bylaws
  2. Discussion and Appropriate Action on the Alamo Commutes Program Update (pdf)
  3. Discussion and Appropriate Action on a Status report on the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program Development (pdf)

  4. Monthly Status Reports

    1. Alamo Regional Mobility Authority (Renee Green)
    2. Air Quality Issues (Diane Rath)
    3. City of San Antonio (Art Reinhardt)
    4. San Antonio Mobility Coalition (Vic Boyer)
    5. Texas Department of Transportation (Mario Jorge)  
    6. VIA Metropolitan Transit (Jeff Arndt)
    7. Others
  5. Executive Session - Pursuant to Chapter 551, Subchapter D, Texas Government Code
At any time during the meeting of the MPO Transportation Policy Board, the Board reserves the right to adjourn into executive Session at any time to discuss any of the matters listed on the posted agenda, as authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney), Section 551.072 (deliberations about real property), Section 551.074 ( personnel matters), and Section 551.086 (economic development)
  11.  Adjourn